Video About Mark & Tech
Mark Allardyce on 08/17/2024

Video About Mark & Tech

For those of you that would rather watch and listen... here's some background to Mark.

Mark Allardyce Mark Allardyce
The Truth of TIKAMO
Mark Allardyce on 07/06/2024

The Truth of TIKAMO

We've all had to deal with horrible people at some point in our lives, sadly some of us more than others.

Mark Allardyce Mark Allardyce
User Generated Content
Mark Allardyce on 05/11/2024

User Generated Content

One of the only benefits of being a tech-savvy 65 year old bloke from the UK is a sense of humour (and loads of experience), but I recently found three other benefits I never dreamt of.

Mark Allardyce Mark Allardyce
Swipe Right to Stardom
Mark Allardyce on 02/02/2024

Swipe Right to Stardom

How iAudition is Revolutionising Talent Discovery in the Music Industry

Mark Allardyce Mark Allardyce
Reimagining Young Minds with Immersive Care
Mark Allardyce on 02/02/2024

Reimagining Young Minds with Immersive Care

Imagine your child, your sibling, or even your younger self—struggling to express what they’re feeling inside. You see the frustration, the anxiety, the self-doubt. But no matter how much you want to help, they remain locked in their silence, waiting for an assessment that may take months, maybe even years.

Mark Allardyce Mark Allardyce
The Entertainment Sector's Next Big Thrills Unveiled !
Mark Allardyce on 02/11/2023

The Entertainment Sector's Next Big Thrills Unveiled !

The Entertainment Sector's Next Big Thrills Unveiled ! Hold on tight, folks! We're taking you on an exhilarating journey through the entertainment world, where groundbreaking opportunities are about to shake the industry to its core. From hidden talents to mind-blowing encounters, get ready for the hottest trends that will leave you craving more!

Mark Allardyce Mark Allardyce
Navigating the Murky Waters of Entertainment and Online Banking
Mark Allardyce on 10/05/2022

Navigating the Murky Waters of Entertainment and Online Banking

Navigating the Murky Waters of Entertainment and Online Banking In the world of emerging economic solutions, securing funding for new projects can be a daunting challenge, particularly in industries rife with cutthroat practices and murky waters. As someone who has advocated for data privacy and control for the benefit of individuals over big tech, I have experienced both the costs and blessings of my endeavours. Along this journey, I have recently encountered two sectors that have left me astounded by their unique blend of excitement, and ruthless practices.

Mark Allardyce Mark Allardyce
The Thrilling Ups and Downs of Startups
Mark Allardyce on 05/14/2019

The Thrilling Ups and Downs of Startups

The Thrilling Ups and Downs of Startups In the world of startups, there exists a tale of struggle, hardship, failure, and success. It's a journey that encompasses the full spectrum of emotions and experiences. From performing for food to sleeping under desks, from facing adversity to celebrating outrageous success, the path of an entrepreneur is filled with twists and turns. In this article, we'll explore the remarkable journey of making change happen and the invaluable lessons it imparts.

Mark Allardyce Mark Allardyce
What the Dickens has happened to Christmas?
Mark Allardyce on 12/25/2013

What the Dickens has happened to Christmas?

Christmas Carols - What the Dickens has happened to Christmas? The visual feast of Christmas carollers stood under a lamplight, warming their hands on an open fire. What better way is there of celebrating Christmas than hearing such splendid songs and maybe singing along with our friends. What a lovely, traditional way of bridging the centuries, connecting us to our forefathers, who sang the same songs all those Christmases ago.

M Mark Allardyce
Malaysia NCC (National Computing Centre)
Mark Allardyce on 09/30/2009

Malaysia NCC (National Computing Centre)

A Talk in Malaysia for the British National Computer Centre The NCC asked Mark to speak at 6th International Convention in Langkawi, Malaysia for NCC Education, about his journey between student and success in technology, including:

Mark Allardyce Mark Allardyce
CATSS & CALM (1984 - 2002)
Mark Allardyce on 04/04/2007

CATSS & CALM (1984 - 2002)

Healthcare Sold Company to PLC Although CALM (Computer Assisted Lifestyle Management) was not launched until the 90’s, software development of ground breaking online healthcare services commenced in the early 80’s at Salford University’s Human Performance Laboratory and found a home within the booming fitness industry. CATSS (Computer Analyzed Training Sports Science) was launched at London’s Olympia in 1985.

M Mark Allardyce